LIFE + project „Baltic Aquatic warbler“

Project result report, LT, ENGL, LV

In 2010-2015 the initial Aquatic warbler conservation project was taking place in Lithuania and Latvia. The project called “Securing Sustainable Farming to Ensure Conservation of Globally Threatened Bird Species in Agrarian Landscape (Baltic Aquatic Warbler)” was financed by the LIFE+ program. It brought together organizations determined to address the needs of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) species by promoting sustainable farming practices, restoring important habitats and raising public awareness. Moreover, it created great preconditions for further conservation initiatives.

Stellar Evaluation of Project Results

At the end of 2017 we recieved a letter from the European Commission, which gave our project protecting the aquatic warbler “Baltic aquatic warbler” and the results a stellar evaluation. An excerpt from the letter:

“… I am also pleased to learn that the project has been successfully implemented; even exceeding the project outputs planned in the Grant Agreement for the restoration and communication activities. Thank you for submitting a good and comprehensive After-LIFE Conservation Plan, covering all aspects of after-LIFE management and monitoring. The Plan confirms that project beneficiaries have taken the responsibility for following up the activities started in the project…” – Jean-Claude MERCIOL, the Head of LIFE Programme Unit.

The final technical report of the project, which was sent to European Commission (ENGL)

Project territory

The project took place in Lithuania and Latvia, in 6 different territories that spanned more than 1200 ha.

Projekto nr.: LIFE09 NAT LT 233

Project partners

Project sponsors


Publications and films

1. The aquatic warbler: a book for kids

Preserving this extremely rare small bird has become a real challenge for environmentalists. How do we protect the aquatic warblers so that future generations could also hear their soft song? This book invites children to get to know more about the bird by completing various tasks. The book is also available in Latvian.






2. Project poster "Aquatic warbler: species do not go extinct alone"

The poster presents the main idea of aquatic warbler conservation – when we protect this rare bird, we also protect it’s living environment (ecosystem) and its neighbors.The poster is also available in Lithuanian and Latvian.








3. Nemunas Delta. Nature Conservation Perspective.

This publication for farmers introduces the unique nature of the Nemunas delta region. It talks about the delta’s farming traditions, the role of biodiversity, and explains the purpose of environmentally friendly farming requirements. The publication is also available in Lithuanian.







4. Protecting the aquatic warbler: farming in wet meadows and fen mires

This publication contains information about the peculiarities of farming in Aquatic warbler territories and financial support measures for farmers of endangered bird habitats (natural and semi-natural meadows and extensive wetlands), concisely presented in this Lithuanian Rural Development Programme (RDP) for the period of 2014–2020. The publication is also available in Latvian and Lithuanian.







5. Publication about aquatic warbler "Grislu Kauka" in Latvian

Publication about aquatic warbler, it’s life style and main threats.








6. Project leaflet/postcard

Project leaflet presents the main activities of the project and information about the aquatic warbler itself. It can be used also as a postcard. Leaflet is also available in Latvian and Lithuanian.






7. Factsheet about farming favorable to aquatic warblers, in Lithuanian

Short information about aquatic warbler and farming in its breeding sites. Publication is also available in Latvian.







8. Factsheet about new agro-environmental measures in Lithuania

The publication for farmers gives a short overview about requirements of new agri-environmental measures, developed under the Rural development program 2014-2020.







9. Film "Living with the Aquatic Warbler" (22 min)

The wet sedge meadows of river Nemunas delta are a habitat for one of the rarest birds in Europe – the aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola). At the same time this is an area where the survival interests of this bird meet with the economic interests of the farmers. Is there a way for them to thrive together? Check out the short version of the film (4 min.)





10. Film "Saving the aquatic warbler together with people" (4 min)

Short film about aquatic warbler and LIFE+ project “Securing Sustainable Farming to Ensure Conservation of Globally Threatened Bird Species in Agrarian Landscape” in Lithuania and Latvia. Check out the long version of the film (22 min.)




11. Video teaser "Aquatic warbler: species do not go extinct alone" (2 min)

Short teaser about the value of globally endangered bird. Video from informal Cafe Scientifique discussion. Check out the full version of the video.





12. Video "Does the world need the aquatic warbler" (20 min)

There are 20 times more African Elephants than Aquatic Warblers in the world. More about such amazing facts and personal stories of aquatic warbler conservationists in the video from informal Cafe Scientifique discussion.





Reports and Studies

1. After LIFE conservation plan

Reviews current situation of Aquatic warbler and its breeding habitat conservation, foresees further conservation priorities and estimates the budget required for it. The plan is also available in Lithuanian and Latvian.






2. Ex ante monitoring report

The report describes baseline surveys conducted in 2011 and 2012. It was used to evaluate the efficiency of management measures of the project and could be used in the future.






3. Project success monitoring reports

In the reports the success and improvement of the project is evaluated consistently: 20112012201320142015 m. (final report).









4. Feasibility study on Silute's Municipality heating network adaptation to burn biomass, in Lithuanian

The feasibility study examines in more details the existing situation of heating facilities in the Silute municipality and looks at the opportunities to increase demand of late-cut biomass.







5. Water level management of Sysa polder, in Lithuanian

The study analyses different aspects of water level management in the project area Sysa and provides recommendations to optimize the situation. 







6. Late-cut biomass feasibility study, in Lithuanian
Analysis-study and market research of briquetting facility’s potential for Lithuanian conditions. This study provides an overview of the various aspects of the production of grass pellets. Zuvintas biosphere reserve directorate has set up the biomass pelleting line within the project. It arose from the need of a use of late-cut grass. All technical aspects are analyzed in the study. 







7. Rules of the activity "Restoration of Aquatic warbler habitats" under the measure "Investments in tangible assets", in Lithuanian

This measure provides farmers a possibility to get support for restoration of potential breeding sites of aquatic warblers. During the project the rules and the description of this measure were developed.




8. Rules of activities to maintan Aquatic warbler habitats under the measure "Agri-environmental protection and climate", in Lithuanian
This measure provides farmers a possibility to get support for farming in aquatic warbler breeding sites if such activity is done according to the species’ needs. During the project the rules and the description of this measure were developed. 





9. Reports of vegetation monitoring in project sites, in 2011, 2013, 2015
In reports of vegetation monitoring the progress of the project is identified.
Projekto teritorija / Metai 2011 2013 2015
LV-05/06-Papė ir Liepoja ENGL ENGL



International conferences and documentation