Important for ringers: Aquatic Warblers with geolocators

It is an important message from Dr. Martin Flade, the Chairman of BirdLife International Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team (AWCT), to all ringers about Aquatic Warblers with geolocators:
“We just came back from Belarus and Lithuania, where we started our geolocator project aiming to study the migration routes and wintering sites of Aquatic warbler from Lithuania and Northern Belarus.
Since 5th July, 60 geolocators are flying, half of them in N-Belarus (Servech) and another half at the Curonian Lagoon in Lithuania (Tyrai and Alka polder). Yesterday the devices have started light measuring and data logging.
The birds will start migration towards their wintering sites soon.
The birds from Belarus have a blue colour ring with alphanumeric code (C7-C9, D0-D9, E0-E9, F0-F9, G0).
11 birds from Lithuania have (older) colour rings with 1 alu and up to 4 colour rings (individual combinations).
Some instructions if you catch an an Aquatic Warbler with geolocator:
On post-nuptial migration or in winter:
  • Please do NOT remove the geolocator!
  • DO NOT remove or exchange rings!
  • DO NOT add any new rings!
  • Take the weight and check the body condition of the bird.
  • Please note the ring number and send information directly to me.
  • Release the bird as quick as possible.
On pre-nuptial migration in spring (March/April):
  • Please REMOVE the geolocator (most easily done with scissors).
  • Send it directly to me or get in contact with me how to transfer the extremely valuable device.
  • DO NOT remove or exchange rings!
  • Do not add new rings!
  • Take the weight and check the body condition of the bird and release it.
Please forward this message to all known potential Aquatic warbler ringers or ringing stations in your country.”

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