Laskowiec-Zajki consists of about 745 ha of fen between the southern border of the Biebrza National Park and the road connecting the villages Laskowiec and Zajki.

Its western and northern parts are dominated by communities with the Tufted Sedge, which however do not form the characteristic tufts there. The eastern part is covered mainly by the Lesser Pond-sedge and the Reed Canary-grass, with addition of vegetation that is typical of wet meadows.

The highest parts of the area are meadows mown several times a year. Thanks to the heterogeneous habitat, this area is characterised by especially high biodiversity.
The Laskowiec-Zajki location is known among birders as one of the most scenic and attractive bird-watching sites. It is very important for migrating waders.
Best site to observe Aquatic warblers – a road between Laskowiec and Zajki Villages. In a map it is marked with orange line..
What can I see there?
In the breeding season, in Laskowiec-Zajki you can see the Aquatic Warbler, the Corncrake, the Great Snipe, the Snipe, the White-tailed Godwit, the Redshank and the Garganey. For many bird species, the area is also attractive as a stopover site.
In wet years, you will see numerous White-winged Terns.
You will also spot elks.
Map where you can find all areas where you can find Aquatic warblers in Poland.
Information source: https://otop.org.pl/our-projects/we-protect/reserves-and-nature-trails/biebrza/?lang=en
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