In order we learn to cherish and protect, we need to get-to-know and love.

Therefore, in order to protect the species, we pay great attention to public information, education and nature tourism activities.

Public information and education

We encourage volunteering

The best way to learn and get to know someone is through personal involvement. During the project we encourage volunteering. The team received help from schoolchildren, students, and older residents, from those with deeper knowledge of nature conservation, as well as from enthusiasts working into completely different fields. If you are interested in nature conservation and have motivation – we invite you to volunteer.


We inform farmers

Every year, we personally inform the farmers about the Aquatic Warbler nesting in their fields and we negotiate the possibilities of delaying mowing. We maintain the constant contact through letters – regularly send information about the progress of the project and future work.

We present the results of the project

During the project, we constantly provide information about the progress of the project, the Aquatic Warbler, nature conservation activities and results achieved. We provide the most up-to-date and detailed information on this website, prepare messages on social networks, and we distribute quite a few messages to the media. Our efforts have received a lot of  attention of the public and media. Aquatic Warbler has become a real Lithuanian celebrity.

We take care of environmental education for children

Special attention is also paid to children’s education and knowledge of nature. We have created and are currently updating a special online educational platform for young nature rangers. On the platform, we provide not only environmental tasks for children, but also descriptions of integrated lessons, supporting materials for teachers about lessons in nature. This platform has attracted huge interest from both children and teachers.

We also republished the highly popular children’s book about the Aquatic Warbler and translated it into English and Russian. During the quarantine, we created two video lessons for children.

Publications for children

Aquatic warbler: small guide for children

This book for children will not only tell you interesting facts about the little singer – Aquatic warbler, butalso provide you with fun things to do.

We gave symbolic gifts to the guardians of Aquatic Warbler

Organizations, farmers and volunteers who take care of Aquatic Warbler received symbolic gifts – special Aquatic Warbler flags, badges, framed photos & calendars.

We organized and participated in events

We continued the tradition in Lithuania of inviting the farmers of the Nemunas delta to the traditional Aquatic Warbler welcoming event. We organized them for four years. Four welcoming events were also held in Belarus. We organized two cafe scientific discussions on translocation in Lithuania and three in Belarus. During the quarantine, this unique experience was told in two remote lessons. We sped the word about the conservation of Aquatic Warbler in many other events.

Well, of course, we also created a unique event – the Lithuania’s Championship of Scythe Mowers, which not only brought together all scythe mowing enthusiasts, but also created a unique opportunity to strengthen relationship with local farmers and talk about sustainable farming.


We have created a loads of audiovisual content

We created most of the videos, photos and other content during the Aquatic Warbler translocation. This includes a great multimedia project of the team (in Lithuanian and Russian ), interviews about the first experience, a video diary of translocation.

Adaptation of project sites for visiting and promotion of nature tourism

One of the important principles of successful nature conservation is to ensure the accessibility of nature to the public, to increase knowledge of natural values and to communicate the benefits of nature conservation works. This principle is based on the fact that society is ready to contribute to the preservation of nature when it knows the values of nature, has personal experience with the territory, and realizes the benefits of the applied measures. Therefore, we invited the public to get to know the project territories in various ways, together with local tourism operators we looked for ways to promote the development of nature tourism in the Nemunas delta.

infrastructure created

In (or nearby) all the project territories in Lithuania and Belarus, we have built 9 information stands, which tell about the nature conservation works carried out during the project, and the natural values of the territories. In Belarus, we also developed a nature treasure trail in the Zvaniec marsh, and in Lithuania, we installed a birdwatching tower in the Šyša polder and a bench with audio information stand in Tyrai (Kliošiai landscape reserve).

Nature tourism in Nemunas delta is promoted

The most important habitats for Aquatic Warblers in Lithuania lies in the Nemunas delta. It is also an exceptional natural area, where impressive flocks of migratory birds and a huge variety of different bird species can be observed, where a mesmerizing landscape unseen anywhere else would impress you. This is, without a doubt, an area with great potential for nature tourism. In nature conservation, tourism is important not only because it makes people aware of what is being protected, but also because it is a great way to demonstrate for local residents the direct benefits of nature to their well-being. During the project, we actively participated in the informal working group for the development of nature tourism in Šilutė district municipality, together we developed various measures serving the purpose of the group.

We have prepared publications inviting you to get to know the Sausgalviai, Šyša botanical-zoological and Kliošiai landscape reserves (in Lithuanian only).

We have prepared publications about getting to know Aquatic Warblers – one for the general public, the other for tourism operators (in Lithuanian only).

We have prepared an interactive map

To make it easier to get to know the Nemunas Delta and the rare Aquatic Warbler, an interactive map “Walking in the lands of Aquatic Warbler” was created. Here you can find information not only about the best places for romantic listening of the birds, but also about local tourism services. The map is in Lithuanian.

We have acquired the floating hides that are popular among nature photographers

We made it possible for local tourism operators to use these hides free of charge by subletting them, thus creating a new nature tourism service in the Nemunas Delta. We have prepared rules and a code of ethics on how they should be used.

If you are visiting Nemunas delta and would like to rent floating hides for photography, contact us.
