Aquatic warblers are born in the hands of Belarussian artists

She has never seen aquatic warblers in the wild, but she creates very realistic figurines of these endangered bird species based on what she can see in pictures and stories told by environmentalists. She is Volha Kaminskaya – an artist from Belarus who is so far the only one making aquatic warblers from wool.

The figurines felted by the artist do not only look very realistic, but even weigh like a real aquatic warbler. It takes around two weeks of very meticulous work to make the felted birds look as similar to the real ones as possible. The most difficult and time-intensive part of felting the figurines is decorating them with realistic feather patterns to resemble the real birds.

Volha Kaminskaya says that she was encouraged to felt the first aquatic warbler figurine by ornithologist Aleksandr Kozulin, who is taking care of conservation of this rare species in Belarus. Since then she has felted countless aquatic warbler figurines.

The artist felts the figurines of other bird species as well, however, aquatic warbler is her favourite. When asked why, she shrugs her shoulders and says: „I guess it‘s because I am felting aquatic warbler figurines quite frequently now or maybe because these figurines are interesting to people and is somewhat a representation of my country and its nature“.

See the felting process in the video

The felted aquatic warbler figurines are gifted by environmentalists to the guardians of this species, who contribute to its conservation. Do you want to help? “Adopt” aquatic warbler and get your figurine!

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