New platform for young nature rangers in Lithuania

A new web platform for environmental education of children was recently launched In Lithuania. In this new website (Young nature rangers). young nature lovers (in age of 7-14) learn about nature and environment when playing games and implementing funny tasks. Part of the tasks can be fulfilled online, while other part invites pupils to get to the nature, to explore it, to overcome various challenges and to upload the results of their adventures. Children receive special badges for each of the tasks and by collecting them reaches the next level of young nature ranger.

This platform is one of the measures trying to educate citizens that love nature, understand its processes and supports nature protection and conservation. It is believed that a young nature ranger becomes an assistant fo naturalists, shows example for his peers, disciplines the ones who ham nature, spends time in nature with wish and enthusiasm and that nature protection becomes his lifestyle, occurring in everyday decisions. They are our future allies who will help people to realise that nature is our home and when protecting it, we are protecting ourselves and we are taking care of wellness of future generations.

The platform is now available in Lithuanian, but the Russian version is now under development.

The platform was developed within the Aquatic warbler conservation project “LIFE Magni Ducatus Acrola”.

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