Belarus: Zvanets reserve

Zvanets reserve – most important habitat for Aquatic warblers The Zvanets reserve and peatland is located in southwestern part of Belarus. It is the most … read more

Belarus: Sporovsky reserve

A unique and special peatland complex  Sporovsky reserve is one of the largest natural protected wetland complexes in Europe. Due to it’s size, the ecosystem … read more

Poland: Czahary trail

In the Polesie National Park, the first natural didactic trail within the “Bagno Bubnów” area was established. The name of the newly created path – … read more

Poland: Laskowiec – Zajki

Laskowiec-Zajki consists of about 745 ha of fen between the southern border of the Biebrza National Park and the road connecting the villages Laskowiec and … read more

Lithuania: Tyrai trail

A bird paradise that everyone should see Tyrai is a unique area, where you can hear birds singing all year round. A wide variety of … read more